Tuesday, May 8, 2007

More Deliveries-Part 3

Well, I got a new lady at the post office (the other lady must have had the day off). This new lady was very pleasant as she handed me my boxes.

Today I received pinkkittydesigns, mvegan5, cornflakegirl, primatheart, and oldgraysweats.

I am still expecting 23 boxes before the 11th for the great Mother's Day art fair.

I have my grandpa making a really cute card rack that is inspired by one that I found at Pottery Barn. I LOVE Pottery Barn, but I am not rich. Someday I would like to be able to say that my furniture came from Pottery Barn.


Eva said...

I can feel the excitement! And what great time you have while unpacking those carefully wrapped lovely items!
I wish I could be there at the shop opening! Would you post any pictures of it on your blog?

Cathy said...

I can't wait until the opening either - I keep checking out the stores as Sara lists the packages she receives and I'm so jealous! lol Everyone has such beautiful things - wish I was there unwrapping all the goodies too :)

I didn't know what the Pottery Barn was either so googled that! Looks like nice things - but I'm sure your grandpa's card stand will be even better than the one you could buy and it will be more special (and in keeping with the hand made feel of the store)!

I forgot about the Mother's Day fair... so will you just be advertising that day?

Sorry for babbling...


Daisy Jane said...

My husband and his sister will be walking through the fair handing out flyers and directing them into my boutique. We are placing flyers all over town. The week of the Grand Opening, I will be placing ads in the newspaper.

Daisy Jane said...

Oh, and yes, I will post photos on here from the Grand Opening and when I get the boutique all set up. I have a lot of boxes on the floor right now. Need to find more displays, calling grandpa now.