Sunday, June 3, 2007

Slow starting out

I'm sorry that I haven't been updating my blog much lately. My sister is very ill and has been in a university hospital 1 1/2 hour away. She is scheduled to have surgery on June 12th.

My Grand Opening didn't go as well as planned. It was the Memorial Day weekend, and the weather was quite poor (thunderstorms and tornadoes). I did have great response with the products and the boutique from the people that did stop by. I still have great hopes as we head into festival season.


Cathy said...

Thanks for posting this Sara. We totally understand how busy you must be. Hope your sister will be okay.

Please continue to keep us posted on the store whenever you can. We all feel like we are in it with you! Can't wait to see photos :)

But of course, family comes just whenever you get a chance, drop us a line.

Cathy xxx

WhiteStone said...

Glad to hear from you. Sorry about your sister.
As Scrap4u said, family comes first. The business will will pick up.


The Little Ladybug said...

Sara my prayers are with you and your family . Thanks for posting.

Tresijas said...

My prayers for your sister and her quick recovery. As for the boutique, it will take a while to pick up steam, don't fret! Kelly (Tresijas)

Mendy at Modern Charm said...

I'm sorry to hear about your sister - hope she is doing much better!

I would love to see some photos of the shop, when you get a chance. No hurry.

Stacey said...

Hi Sara
I hope your sister is doing well.
Like the others said, don't worry too much about the business - these things take time.