Thursday, June 14, 2007


I really think that I am developing anxiety. Partially stress I think. I always feel that I need to do something. I want to do something, but I don't know what. I want to create, but I don't know what. There are plenty of things that I could do, plenty of materials that I have. But I don't know where to start. I always look at a task as being too large. I look at the time that it will take, and don't want to devote that amount of time to it. I really need to break it down. Do 15 to 30 minutes of it. Walk away and if that is still what I want to do, then work on it some more. I have ideas aplenty in my head, but where to start. I procrastinate. I say later, but later never comes. I can't sleep at night, because all of these ideas are spinning around. Argh!


cre8tivekiwi said...

Breath just brrreeeaaatthh. When I get that way it is time to take stock of my plans and ideas. Take a day for you and just chillax some.


Cathy said...

I often feel like that - a million and one thoughts racing through my brain - too many ideas and not enough time! lol